I wanted to share our journey in finding our "little man" Jacob 5 years ago. I never imagined that God would bless us with a son. In fact, I thought about adopting again after Emmi and Maggie, but honestly thought it would be another girl. Jacob was 3 3/4 when he ventured through the hotel room door in Xianyang in February 2006. What a brave little boy he was to see for the first time his momma and big sister, Emmi. Oh how time has flown. Jacob turned 8 this past June. I just can't believe how fast these past 4 years have gone. I had written a letter to announce Jacob, then named "Zander" on our waiting kids list and wanted to post it here. It's very special and came right from my heart. God works in wonderous ways. We just have to "listen" and "be patient". I try my hardest to listen but still need to work on patience. Here is what I wrote:
"It is with upmost excitment that we would like to announce we are the very proud
parents of our "little man" Zander. I couldn't figure out why I kept getting drawn to his
file. I was seriously advocating for this little boy and wanted him to have his own
forever family. Two weeks ago, I decided to print a copy of his picture and some information
regarding his hand and take it to our local orthopedic office in hopes that I could post "something"
to this wonderful group. I laid the picture on my desk as it would be a couple
of days until I could get by there. And then I thought, hmmm, wonder if my dh, Mike would
notice the picture. I even posted to Amy if Max and Zander were in the same swi. I thought well maybe
Amy's dh could check in on our little Zander man and give the group an update on him. Would that
be for the group or for "me"? I really started getting some mixed emotions.
Then after going back and reviewing his file again, I noticed his birthday. How
could I have overlooked that it was 6/18, the same as my dad's who is now deceased. That day
I looked at Zander in a totally different way. I had never really noticed which swi he was in, I just knew
he was in Xi'an, the same city as our Maggie. He is residing in the Xianyang swi and Emmi's middle
name is Yangxuan (very different meanings, but very close in spelling). As I was continually examining
his information, big old smiles came over my face. You know, I just can't explain the feeling, except that
it's very warm and fuzzy and feels right. All during this time I have prayed for Zander to find his forever family.
So I started praying a little differently. I prayed that if this child is suppose to be in our family please
give me some more signs.
This last Sunday me and the girls attended our regular church and I had already decided to move my
membership. We had been going there for years and it was something that I knew I needed to do. As
the service began and the congregation sang the opening song, we then watched a short video. Granted
we don't watch a video during every service. This video was about a man and his son. There was an accident
when the son was born and he could not walk or talk. The family enrolled
their son in school and even bought a device to help him communicate. He wanted to be in marathon's so
the dad pushed him in his wheelchair. The attitude and togetherness this family had was just remarkable. Today
the dad and his son have competed in many, many marathons, bi-athalons, etc. There were many teary eyes
including mine. I thought about Zander and his minor, minor need compared to this fellow. How could we not
scoop up this adorable little fellow, our "little Zander man"?
After church a friend of mine, who lurks on this list, and her daughter along with Em and Mag were off to
Nashville to the fcc Easter egg hunt. When my friend got in the van, and you know who you are, she asked
what we were going to do about Zander. I said "if we go to this egg hunt and someone hollers Zander you get
back over here", then that will be a sure sign that he's our son, jokingly of course. Well we went to the hunt, had a
great time and returned home. My husband was cooking and he asked how the hunt was. I said it was great,
however, there weren't any boys there. He said "can you not get boys"? I said "yeesss" in
fact there's a child on our waiting list now that just has something wrong with his hand. Let me back up a little.
I had not said anything yet to Mike about Zander, but I was getting ready to. I'm the type of person that has to
figure it out and then talk about it with my spouse. Mike is in no way a reluctant husband. I knew he would be
all for being Zander's dad. Back to the story. I told him I had a picture on my desk. He said Emmi showed me
his picture. Emmi and Maggie were o.k. with him being their little brother and of course the hand was no big
deal with them either. We talked about it a little more and I e-mailed Stefani that we wanted to "officially" review
his file.
On Tuesday, I received my e-mail from Chinasprout and decided to visit the sale page. There are these cute
little chops with animals of the zodiac on top. I thought the girls would love to stamp with them. Hmm, wonder
what Zander's zodiac is? I looked it up and found it to be the horse. That night I went back to work. I was
talking with a lady I did't know and she had this interesting necklace on. Can you guess? Yep, a horse. Then
the next morning on the way to work I heard an advertisement on the radio, "Zanderman's" law firm, something or
another. O.K. I hear you loud and clear God. This is our boy, our "little man" as I had been calling him. I just
wanted to be sure He wanted this little fellow in our family, and it certainly looks like that's His plan. So it is
with great pleasure to announce "WE ARE ZANDER'S FAMILY!! Yahoooooo!!!! Sorry to keep everyone in suspense
but I wanted to tell my mom first and in person. We're on our way to her house so I'm going to go ahead and
post our exciting news. Thank you so much for everyone who wrote about Zander's need and shared you're own
personal experiences with your children. I just love this group and can't wait to share our journey to our "little
Zander man".
Here's our "little man" Jacob today. This was taken at school a couple of weeks ago when he received a reading award. I just loooove that he will let me take a picture of him in front of his classmates. Oh how I dread that day when he decides he's too big to have his picture taken in front of his friends. I can just hear it now, "MA-A-A-M"! I know because his big sister Emmi does that now.