Maggie received another reading award. She loves to have her picture made during these types of events, unlike big sis. Last year, I attended an award Emmi received and she would not let me take her picture in front of her classmates. I guess that comes with growing up. Although, I don't think that will ever bother Maggie.
FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not yet seen.
Heb. 11:1
Heb. 11:1
Friday, May 21, 2010
Maggie's reading award
Maggie received another reading award. She loves to have her picture made during these types of events, unlike big sis. Last year, I attended an award Emmi received and she would not let me take her picture in front of her classmates. I guess that comes with growing up. Although, I don't think that will ever bother Maggie.
Dance, dance, dance!
Last week was a whirlwind as we had dance practice every afternoon after school and dress rehearsal on Friday night, 5-9:30p.m. It is sooo worth it though. I can not believe Emmi is in 4th grade dance. Sitting there watching the pre-ballet classes work through their programs thinking, that was Emmi just 4 years ago. Emmi was in three performances and had the cutest costumes, Jazz, ballet, and tap. We opted to take pictures in front of the fountain again between shows. We had it all worked out, Ballet picture after lunch and before the afternoon performance on Sat.
And then Tap after the p.m. performance. Then Sunday we would take the Jazz picture.
Well it rained on Sunday. So there isn't a Jazz picture. The costume is the same color as the Tap, except the straps are different. I'm still not sure why the costumes looked sooo much alike. I do know the teacher let's the kids pick. So I guess their favorite color is green. They were happy and that's all that mattered.
Anyway, we had a great time! And Emmi really did a wonderful job. She wants to add Pointe this fall. And she is required to take 2 more ballet classes. We'll see!
I had to get a picture of her bun. I had the hardest time getting it up and getting it to stay. Needless to say, it fell down 3/4 of the way during her performance. I guess I needed a couple of more bobbie pins on top of the 20 that were already in her hair. Oh, I did use her hair doll book too. Hmmm, too bad it didn't tell me that I needed more bobbie pins. I have a whole year to practice.
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